Community Association Law & Lawyers

The College of Community Association Lawyers represents a select network of professionals that brings valuable knowledge and insight to industry trends, legislation, and litigation. CCAL fellows provide expert knowledge and resources pertaining to community association legal and legislative issues.

State Laws and Resources

Click on a state below to view that state's current statutes regarding community associations and resources. Resources include links to the state's legislative action committees, legislative tracking, local CAI chapters, and where available, a state facts & figures infographic and Foundation for Community Association Research state summary.

College of Community Association Lawyers

Of the thousands of attorneys practicing community association law, approximately 200 are CCAL fellows.

Amicus Curiae

"Friend of the court" briefs are filed in either federal or state cases that address issues of significant importance in community association law. Amicus curiae briefs allow CAI to educate a court about important legal and policy issues in cases related directly to the community association industry. If your association, municipality or state is being faced with a poorly formulated legal opinion, please consider submitting an application for an amicus brief. 

  • Brief Request Submission Procedure

    Amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs allow organizations with an expertise in a certain area of the law to educate a court about the legal issues in a particular case.

    Learn more about submission procedures
  • Brief Request Review Procedure

    Amicus requests submitted to CAI shall be reviewed by an Amicus Curiae Advisory Committee (Amicus Committee). An Amicus Curiae Review Panel shall vote by e-mail or via conference call on the request.
    Learn more about review procedures

Federal Laws and Regulations

Case Law Database

A searchable database of cases related to community association law.

State Bar Association Mental Health Programs and Resources

Articles in Major News Outlets by CCAL Fellows

CAI Webinars Relating to Community Association Law

  • Guiding Principles for Community Association Governing Documents

    A resource for lawyers drafting or amending governing documents. Created by the College of Community Association Lawyers.
    Learn More
  • Law Reporter

    A monthly e-newsletter that addresses legal trends and analysis in community association law.
    Only for CAI Members Learn More
  • Lawyers Exchange

    A social forum to ask community association law questions, discuss ideas, strengthen networks, and share best practices.
    Community Association Lawyers Group Lawyers Exchange Group User Guide
  • Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (UCIOA)

    CAI advocates for states to adopt this non-partisan, well-drafted legislation that brings clarity and stability to critical areas of state statutory law.
    Learn More