Building & Facade Inspection (Laws And Ordinances)

Building & Facade Inspection (Laws and Ordinances)

Building Inspection Laws (click for full law)

Several states and localities have laws that outline building inspection rules and frequency:

  • California - Condominium associations must perform a visual inspection every 9 years beginning Jan 1, 2025 and have a professional prepare a report detailing key information on the remaining useful lifespan of loadbearing structures and waterproofing.
  • Denver, CO - Sets specific standards high-rise buildings must meet in order to pass inspection.
  • Florida -  Building inspections as structures reach 30 years old and every 10 years thereafter, with mandatory reserve study and funding for structural integrity components (buildings, floors, windows, plumbing, electrical, etc.).
  • City of Aventura, FL - Requires both condominium board representatives and managers of homeowners, condominium, and cooperative owners’ associations to provide a copy of any engineering report concerning structural, electrical, or life-safety concerns of a building they are responsible for to the city within 48 hours of receiving such a report.

  • Miami-Dade County, FL - Subsequent inspections required every five years for threshold buildings, recertification every 10 years for buildings 40 years of age or older.
  • New Castle County, DE - A structural inspection is required for any building with a primary load bearing system of concrete, masonry, steel or heavy timber and those buildings with structural slabs over unconditioned space. Initial structural inspections required for existing buildings within two years of the effective date of a new law or within 60 days of observable damage. New buildings completed after the effective date of the new law would need a structural inspection within 15 years of occupancy. Schedule for periodic inspections no more than 10 years after the preceding inspections during the first 20 years of a building’s life, or more than five years if the building is more than 20 years old.
  • New Jersey  - Initial inspections required either 15 years after issuance of certificate of occupancy, or 60 days after observable damage. Subsequent inspections to occur every five years thereafter. Requires reserve funding of at least 10% by associations.
  • Jersey City - A structural inspection, as well as a visual inspection, must be conducted every 10 years. Written report required within 30 days on inspection.
  • Seattle, WA - Sets minimum standards for all high rise buildings within the city limits, with a focus on fire safety and clear emergency exits that can be utilized.

Facade Inspection Ordinances (click for full law)

Additionally, several municipalities have relevant facade inspection ordinances on record:

  • Boston - Requires owners or entities in ownership of buildings over 70ft tall or large multifamily buildings to have exterior inspections every one-to-five years, depending on occupancy.
  • Chicago - Inspections required for the exteriors of all buildings 80ft and higher, with frequency to be set via regulation.
  • Cincinnati - Facade inspections required once a building reaches 15 years of age and is at least five stories or 60ft high. Also establishes a specific inspection schedule for residential buildings in specific census tracts.
  • Cleveland - Exterior inspections required for buildings five stories or higher once every five years.
  • Columbus - For buildings 20 years of age or older and which are located within 10ft of a public right of way or pedestrian area, an inspection must be completed every five years. If a hazard is discovered, then building officials must be notified within 24 hours and a copy of the latest inspection must be made available.
  • Detroit - Requires exteriors of condominiums be maintained by the association.
  • Jersey City - A facade inspection must be conducted every five years. Written report required within 30 days on inspection.

  • Milwaukee - Sets specific requirements for the maintenance of the exteriors of residential structures.
  • New York City - Sets specific minimum number of inspections of facades to be performed based on building height, and must have an inspection every five years. Includes balconies and parking facilities as part of the facade.
  • New Castle County, DE - Initial inspection five years after date of issuance of certificate of occupancy or 60 days after observable damage. Subsequent inspections every five years thereafter.
  • Pittsburgh - Inspections required every five years.
  • San Francisco - Sets a specific timeframe for buildings five or more stories to have an initial inspection based on the age of the building. Frequency of subsequent inspections set at 10 years after initial inspection.
  • St Louis - Establishes minimum requirements for facades for all residential buildings in the city. Frequency of inspections determined via regulation by the city.

Building & Facade Inspection Laws and Ordinances Map

           States in Gray ONLY have local laws pertaining to building inspections.

           States in Green have BOTH State and local laws on building inspections. 

           States in Blue identify states with municipalities that have an identified facade inspection ordinance.