Chapters Information

CAI has 64 chapters worldwide, including Canada, the Middle East and South Africa. Chapters administer a variety of programs and services, such as professional development programming, community association board member education, networking opportunities, educational publications and other services to meet the needs of their members. 

Some chapters have professional staff and others are administered 
solely by volunteer efforts.

Our Chapters accomplished amazing things in 2024! 
Learn more by checking out the 2024 Year in Review

Chapter Benefits

  • For people living and working in community associations: board members, homeowners, community managers, professionals, and service providers. Stay up to date with local education programs.
  • ​Local newsletters, magazines, websites, and membership directories that keep you up to date on news, information, and issues affecting communities at the local level.
  • Your state and local jurisdiction may have laws, ordinances, or programs affecting community associations in your area. Local legislative committees follow these activities and serve you in your region.
  • Chapter luncheons, conferences, programs, and social functions provide a great venue to meet and learn from experts in the industry, commu​​​nity manager colleagues, board members, and service providers.

Chapter Awards

CAI has annually honored and celebrated the innovative and successful initiatives chapters do that contribute to the betterment of CAI and the community association industry. 

View the 2023 Chapter Award Recipients

Chapter Event Calendar

Below are the keystone events for our chapters. If you would like more information on any of these events or to learn about additional events the chapters are providing locally, please visit the chapter website, find a Chapter