Redesignation FAQs

  • 1. What is the current redesignation period?

    CAI redesignation runs on a three-year cycle. For 2025, your education must have been completed between Aug. 1, 2022 and Aug. 1, 2025 to count for this period. Education completed prior to Aug. 1, 2022 cannot be counted.

    2. What do I have to do once I have completed the education requirements?

    Completion and submission of the specific credential's redesignation form with supporting documentation (if needed) is required. This is to ensure that our database has accurate information and that the ethics questions are answered. Each credential's page links to the PDF redesignation form.

    The AMS and PCAM redesignation also may be completed online via the My Designations section of your account. Click the Redesignate link on the right. Please note: The online version should not be printed and submitted. If you need to submit a printed redesignation form, please use the version linked off the specific credentials webpage.

    3. When can I submit the redesignation form?

    We ask that you submit your form no sooner than Feb. 1 of the year your redesignation is due. You will be sent an email once the form is processed.

    4. Can I submit my annual maintenance fee payment with my redesignation form?

    No. Your invoice for your ​annual maintenance fee will be available under the My Designations section of your account close to May 1. Do not send the redesignation form with your payment and invoice as we will not receive it.

    If an invoice is available, those who hold an AMS or PCAM who need to redesignate must pay their annual maintenance fee as part of the online redesignation process. Please do not complete the redesignation process and close the browser before paying, as your redesignation will not be accepted.

    If you cannot pay your annual maintenance fee online, please call our Customer Service team at (888) 224-4321 to pay your fee over the phone, and then please wait until the billing date shown online indicates 8/1/2026 before attempting the redesignation process. Otherwise, it will ask you to pay a second time..

    5. What should I include with my redesignation form?

    If you completed industry-related education outside CAI headquarters offerings, you must provide proof: either a chapter participant verification form, certificate of completion, chapter transcript, or an email from the education sponsor stating you completed the education; the documentation must list the title, date, and number of hours. Registration forms or invoices will not be accepted as proof of attendance. Please contact the education sponsor directly as CAI headquarters does not maintain these records.

    For CIRMS and LSM redesignation only, include copies of articles, letters documenting chapter service, or speakership.

    6. I hold a CAM/state license. Does this cover the redesignation requirements?

    While education that is used to maintain your license can be used for the eight hours of other industry related education for the AMS redesignation only, holding a license itself does not waive any redesignation requirements for any CAI designation. You must still complete the M-200 level or above course for the AMS redesignation, or meet your credential's education requirements.

    7. My state no longer requires continuing education. Does this affect my designation?

    No. While education used to maintain a license can be used for the eight hours of other industry related education for the AMS designation, it has no bearing otherwise on CAI credentials.

    8. How do I add education I completed to my record?

    CAI Headquarters does not track education that we do not offer. Any education completed through an outside party, including our chapters, must be reported by the designee as part of the redesignation process.

    9. I have retired from the industry. What are my options?

    CAI offers a retired status for our designations to honor the hard work and commitment each designee has demonstrated in maintaining their designation. Fully retired designees will no longer need to meet the education requirements for their respective designations; they only need to pay a reduced annual maintenance fee. Once retired status is granted, retired individuals may list -Retired after their designation. Please complete the online retired application.

  • AMS designees who hold an active PCAM designation do not need to complete the AMS redesignation. The PCAM redesignation will cover the AMS redesignation.

    1. Courses are not located in my area. What are my options?

    All the M-200 level courses are available online, with the exception of the M-202 course. Additionally, the M-300: Ethics and the Community Manager, M-320: High-Rise Maintenance and Management, and M-350: Manager & the Law courses are available online and can be used for AMS redesignation. For more information, please visit each course's information page. Please note: These courses must be completed prior to the Aug. 1 deadline, regardless of when you register for the online course.

    CAI also offers live virtual classes throughout the year. Please check our current course schedule​.​

    2. What else is required besides the CAI course?

    Eight hours of other industry related education is required; this can be any education that you use in your day-to-day position as a community association manager, including, but not limited to, webinars, chapter education, or education used to maintain a license. For each offering completed, please submit a certificate of completion or other supporting documentation with your Redes​ignation Form to ensure that your completed education is counted. To obtain this documentation, please contact the education sponsor directly as CAI headquarters does not maintain these records. Registration forms or copies of invoices will not be accepted as proof of completion.

    ​If you are completing the online AMS redesignation process, indicate the following information in the Additional Education box: the date, title, and length of each offering completed since Aug. 1, 2022. Note: It may be beneficial to collect this information in a Word document before starting the redesignation process, as it may time out. The total length entered in the Total Credit Hours must be at least eight hours. If completing the online process, do not mail us the supporting documentation. Instead, please keep it as we may do a random audit of those who completed the online process at any time. 

    3. If I am unable to attend educational offerings to complete the eight hours of other industry related education, what options do I have?

    Completion of an additional CAI course will satisfy the eight hours of education. Please note, although the AMS online redesignation process will display two courses in the CAI coursework section, you will still need to complete the Additional Education portion. Just copy and paste the information for one of the courses listed at the top into the Details box and enter eight in the Total Credit Hours box. 

    4. The AMS online redesignation process is missing something from my completed education or is not letting me complete the process, what do I do?

    Please contact CAI Education at [email protected].
  • 1. There are no M-300 level or M-400 courses in my local area. What are my options?

    The M-300: Ethics and the Community ManagerM-320: High-Rise Maintenance and Management, and M-350 Manager and the Law courses are available online and cover the education requirements for PCAM redesignation. Please note: These courses must be completed prior to the Aug. 1 deadline, regardless of when you register for the online course. M-300 level courses are occasionally available in live virtual offerings. Please check our current course schedule​.

    Other options include attending CAI's Community Association Law Seminar, CEO-MC Retreat, Large-Scale Managers Workshop, Annual Conference and Exhibition: Community NowHigh-Rise Managers Workshop, or being a CAI headquarters faculty member.

    The events listed below can also be used, each can be combined with another instance to total 12 hours. Note: The number of hours each event is approved for changes by year, please review the chart below.

    2022 2023 2024 2025
    CAI Legal Forum: NorCal​ Not Approved 7 Hours Not Approved  
    Central Virginia Chapter Conference ​​6 Hours ​6 Hours
    ​DC & VA Joint Chapter Expo ​6 Hours​ 6 Hours ​6 Hours ​6 Hours
    Illinois Legal Forum 6 Hours 12 Hours 12 Hours  
    ​Virginia Leadership Retreat 9 Hou​​​rs 13 Hours 8.5 Hours  

    Additional​​ly, successful completion of approved CAI headquarters webinars can be used to meet the 12 hours requirement for this option. Using these events/webinars is the only option that requires a specific number of hours, the other options referenced outside of the grid count by themselves regardless of length.

    2. I completed my education through one of the options listed in the grid above. What should I do?

    You must submit proof with your redesignation form: either a certificate of completion or an email from the education sponsor confirming the event you completed. Registration forms or invoices will not be accepted as proof of completion.

    If you are completing the online PCAM redesignation process, ​list the specific option used, along with the dates the option was completed, and the length into the Additional Offerings box. At least 12 hours must be indicated in the Total Credit Hours box. Note: It may be beneficial to collect this information in a Word document before starting the redesignation process, as it may time out.

    3. Does service to my chapter, drafting an article for publication, or attending chapter events count toward the PCAM redesignation?

    The focus for PCAM redesignation is on advanced educational opportunities. Chapter service and authorship of an article for publication do not count toward the PCAM redesignation. Only items listed in question one will be accepted.

    Similarly, with the exception of the items listed above, no chapter programs count toward PCAM redesignation.

    4. The PCAM online redesignation process is missing something from my completed education or is not letting me complete the process, what do I do?

    Please contact CAI Education at [email protected].
  • 1. What are the requirements for RS redesignation?

    CAI redesignation runs on a three-year cycle. For 2025, you need to submit a client list that must include at least 20 clients you have provided service for between Aug. 1, 2022 and Aug. 1, 2025. Service provided prior to Aug. 1, 2022 cannot be counted.

    2. What are the continuing education requirements for the RS designation?

    There are no continuing education requirements for the RS designation.

  • 1. What address should be listed in the certificate holder box on my Certificate of Liability Insurance? Can I submit my form without the Certificate of Liability Insurance?

    We ask that you use the following address and hold your form until you have received a copy of the certificate listing this address. Applications submitted without the certificate or using the wrong address will not be processed.

    Community Associations Institute
    6402 Arlington Blvd., Suite 500
    Falls Church, VA 22042

    The submitted Certificate(s) of Liability Insurance must cover the following: general liability, workers compensation, and $100,000 of fidelity bond (crime or employee dishonesty), in addition to other insurance as may be required by statute. CAI only needs to be a certificate holder; it does not need to be an additional insured.

    2. How do I fill out the Manager Listing on page 3?

    The top half should list all managers — and those who supervise managers — who have been employed more than two years. If the individual holds a CMCA, AMS, LSM, and/or PCAM, you must also list that next to their name. If no credentials are held, the individual should still be listed. Please note, the CAM license and CPM credential do not need to be listed and do not count for the AAMC.

    The bottom half should list all managers and those who supervise managers who have been employed less than two years. No credentials need to be listed for this section.

    The percentage in the bottom of the form refers to the top section only. It is the number of individuals in the top section that have a credential divided by the total number in the top section.

Annual Maintenance FAQS

Please view the Annual Maintenance FAQS for more information related to your credential's annual maintenance fees.

Continuing Education Course Matrix

Please view the Continuing Education Course Matrix to see how our courses count for redesignation.

Disclaimer: CAI credential and accreditation programs are trademarks of CAI. Misuse of CAI trademarks, credentials, or other copyrighted materials without proper authorization is a violation of CAI policy and federal law.