Georgia Condominium Deconversion & Termination Statute

ยง 44-3-98. Termination of condominium; creation of tenancy in common; distribution of assets; transfer of mortgages and liens

(a) The condominium shall be terminated only by the agreement of unit owners of units to which four-fifths of the votes in the association pertain and all mortgagees of such units or such larger majority as the condominium instruments may specify; provided, however, that during such times, if any, as there shall exist an unexpired option to add any additional property to the condominium or during such time, if any, as the declarant has the right to control the association pursuant to Code Section 44-3-101, the agreement shall be that of the declarant and the unit owners of units to which four-fifths of the votes in the association pertain, exclusive of any vote or votes appurtenant to any unit or units then owned by the declarant, and the mortgagees of those units or the larger majority that the condominium instruments may specify.

(b) If none of the units in the condominium are restricted exclusively to residential use, the condominium instruments may specify a majority smaller than the minimum specified by subsection (a) of this Code section.

(c) Agreement of the required majority of unit owners and their mortgagees to termination of the condominium shall be evidenced by their execution of a termination agreement. Any termination agreement shall become effective only when recorded or at such later date as may be specified therein. For the purposes of this Code section, a termination agreement shall be deemed a condominium instrument subject to Code Section 44-3-74.

(d) Upon the effective date of a termination agreement, all of the property constituting the condominium shall be owned by the unit owners as tenants in common and shall be in proportion to their respective undivided interests in the common elements immediately prior to the effective date. As long as the tenancy in common lasts, however, each unit owner and his heirs, representatives, successors, and assigns shall have the same right of occupancy and use of that portion of the property which formerly constituted his unit and the limited common elements appurtenant thereto, if any, as existed immediately prior to termination and a nonexclusive right to use that portion of the property which formerly constituted common elements other than limited common elements.

(e) Upon the effective date of a termination agreement, any rights the unit owners may have to the assets of the association shall be in proportion to their respective undivided interests in the common elements immediately prior to the effective date; and any distribution thereof to the unit owners shall be to such owners and to their mortgagees as their interests may appear.

(f) Upon the effective date of a termination agreement, mortgages and liens affecting each unit shall be deemed to be transferred, in accordance with their existing priorities, to the undivided interest of the unit owner in the property which formerly constituted the condominium.

(g) After the effective date of a termination agreement and except as otherwise expressly provided in this Code section, the property which formerly constituted the condominium and the rights and obligations of the former unit owners with respect thereto shall be subject to and governed by the laws of this state pertaining to tenancies in common for as long as the tenancy in common lasts.