Kansas' Electronic Voting and Virtual Meeting Statutes

Electronic Voting Statute

Article 46. - KANSAS UNIFORM COMMON INTEREST OWNERS BILL OF RIGHTS ACT - 58-4614. Same; unit owner voting procedures.

(a) Unless prohibited or limited by the declaration or bylaws, unit owners may vote at a meeting in person, by secret ballot, by absentee ballot pursuant to subsection (b)(4), by a proxy pursuant to subsection (c), or, when a vote is conducted without a meeting, by electronic or paper ballot pursuant to subsection (d).

(b) Unless contrary provisions of the declaration or bylaws so provide, at a meeting of unit owners the following requirements apply: 5) When a unit owner votes by absentee ballot, the association must be able to verify that the ballot is cast by the unit owner having the right to do so.

Virtual Meeting Statute

Kansas commonly permits corporations and associations to conduct remote and virtual meetings. Kansas does not appear to have an explicit provision for nonprofits prohibiting or authorizing remote meetings. Remote meetings contingent on an association’s articles of incorporation, charter, bylaws. Contact your association’s attorney to see what your community’s options are for virtual meetings based upon your governing documents.

Applicable Statute: None