Ohio's Virtual Meeting Statutes

Ohio commonly permits corporations, and nonprofits to conduct remote and virtual meetings. Remote meetings contingent on an association’s articles of incorporation, charter, or bylaws. Ohio’s Planned Communities Act and Condominium Act allow for boards to meet by any means necessary. If an association is a non-profit, as is the case with most Ohio associations, it will be governed by the Ohio Nonprofit Corporation Law. Contact your association’s attorney to see what your community’s options are for virtual meetings based upon your governing documents.

Applicable Statutes: Nonprofit Corporation Act/Planned Communities Act/Condominium Act

                Ohio Nonprofit Corporation Act  1702.31 Meetings of directors – notice.

Unless otherwise provided in the articles, regulations, or bylaws, and subject to the exceptions applicable during an emergency for which provision is made in division (G) of section 1702.11 of the Revised Code:

(A) Meetings of the directors may be called by the chairperson of the board, the president, any vice-president, or any two directors.

(B) Meetings of the directors may be held at any place within or without the state, including by means of authorized communications equipment, unless the articles or regulations prohibit participation by directors at a meeting by means of authorized communications equipment. Participation in a meeting pursuant to this division constitutes presence at that meeting.

(C) Notice of the place, if any, and time of each meeting of the directors shall be given to each director either by personal delivery or by mail, by overnight delivery service, or by means of authorized communications equipment at least two days before the meeting. That notice need not specify the purposes of the meeting.

(D) Notice of adjournment of a meeting need not be given if the time and place to which it is adjourned are fixed and announced at that meeting.

Ohio Planned Community Act 5312.04 Election of officers; powers; meetings.

(A) A board of directors of an owners association shall elect officers from the members of the board, to include a president, secretary, treasurer, and other officers as the board designates.

(B) A board may act in all instances on behalf of an association unless otherwise provided in this chapter, the declaration, or bylaws. The board may appoint persons to fill vacancies in its membership for the unexpired portion of any term.

(C) Except during a period of declarant control, the board shall call a meeting of the owners association at least once each year. Special meetings may be called by the president, a majority of the board, owners representing fifty per cent of the voting power in the owners association, or any lower share of the voting power as the declaration or bylaws specify.

(D) The board may hold a meeting by any method of communication, including electronic or telephonic communication, provided that each member of the board can hear or read in real time and participate and respond to every other member of the board.

(E) In lieu of conducting a meeting, the board may take an action with the unanimous written consent of the members of the board. Any written consent shall be filed with the minutes of the meetings of the board.

(F) No owner other than a director may attend or participate in any discussion or deliberation of a meeting of the board of directors unless the board expressly authorizes that owner to attend or participate.

(G) The board of directors of an owners association shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws concerning prohibitions against discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, military status, national origin, disability, age, or ancestry, including, but not limited to, Chapter 4112. of the Revised Code. No private right of action additional to those conferred by the applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws is conferred on any aggrieved individual by the preceding sentence.

Added by 128th General Assembly File No.41, SB 187, §1, eff. 9/10/2010.

Ohio Condominium Property Act 5311.08 Unit owners association.


(1) Every condominium property shall be administered by a unit owners association . All power and authority of the unit owners association shall be exercised by a board of directors, which the unit owners shall elect from among the unit owners or the spouses of unit owners. If a unit owner is not an individual, that unit owner may nominate for the board of directors any principal, member of a limited liability company, partner, director, officer, or employee of that unit owner.

(2) The board of directors shall elect a president, secretary, treasurer, and other officers that the board may desire.

(3) Unless otherwise provided in the declaration or the bylaws, all meetings of the unit owners association are open to the unit owners, and those present in person or by proxy when action is taken during a meeting of the unit owners association constitute a sufficient quorum.


(a) A meeting of the board of directors may be held by any method of communication, including electronic or telephonic communication provided that each member of the board can hear, participate, and respond to every other member of the board.

(b) In lieu of conducting a meeting, the board of directors may take action with the unanimous written consent of the members of the board. Those written consents shall be filed with the minutes of the meetings of the board.