Newfoundland & Labrador Virtual Meeting Law

Condo Act: Meeting by electronic means

   19.1 (1) A person entitled to attend a meeting of directors or members under this Act may participate in the meeting by telephone, electronic means or other method of communication that permits all participants to communicate with each other during the meeting.

             (2)  Subsection (1) applies only where the corporation approves and makes available the method of communication by which the person is to attend the meeting. 

             (3)  A person participating in a meeting by telephone, electronic means or other method of communication under subsection (1) is considered for the purposes of this Act to be present at the meeting.

             (4)  A meeting held under this Act may be held entirely by telephone, electronic means or other method of communication that permits all participants to communicate with each other during the meeting.

             (5)  A meeting held under subsection (4) shall be considered to be held at the place where the registered office of the corporation is located.