Alaska Manager Licensing

A person may not collect fees for community association management or practice or negotiate for a contract to practice community association management unless licensed as a real estate broker, association real estate broker, or real estate salesperson in Alaska.

Initial Education Requirements

Initial education requirements vary as you may practice community association management if you are licensed as a real estate broker, associate real estate broker or real estate salesperson.

Applicants for licensure as a real estate or associate real estate broker must complete 15 hours of Real Estate Commission-approved courses prior to application. Applicants for licensure as a salesperson must complete 40 hours of Commission-approved courses prior to application.

Experience Requirements

An applicant must have 24 months of active and continuous experience as a real estate licensee within the past 36 months in order to qualify for licensure as a real estate or associate real estate broker. There is no prior experience necessary for an applicant applying for a real estate salesperson license; however, the applicant must be 19 years of age or older.
Click here for more information on requirements.

Examination Requirements

Applicants for licensure as a real estate or associate real estate broker must pass a Commission-approved real estate brokers test. Applicants for licensure as a real estate salesperson must pass a Commission-approved real estate salesperson examination. The salesperson examination is required to cover the same subjects as the brokers examination, but is less difficult.
Click here for more information on examinations.

Renewal Requirements

Individuals licensed as a real estate broker, associate real estate broker or a real estate salesperson must complete 20 hours of Commission-approved, continuing education courses. In addition to the continuing educational requirement, individuals must complete 30 hours of Commission-approved courses within one year of initial licensure.

The Real Estate Commission requires renewals biennially. Individuals must renew their license on or before the expiration date to continue practice in the state. There is no grace period to practice on a lapsed license.

Click here for more information on continuing education requirements and here for more information on post-licensing education requirements.


For more information, and to see the Commission's fee schedule, click here.

Additional Requirements

The Commission's statutes and regulations provide additional requirements additional requirements for community association managers.

Fidelity Bonding

Brokers authorized by a board of directors of a community association to exercise control over an association's fees or other funds must provide evidence to the Commission that the broker is covered by a blanket fidelity insurance bond. The bond may be in the name of the broker with the association as an additional insured or in the name of the association with the broker as an additional insured. The bond must cover the maximum funds that will be within the control of the community association manager at any time while the bond is in force. The commission may grant an exemption from the bonding requirement of this subsection if the commission determines that the community association manager has equivalent comparable coverage or that coverage is unavailable.


A broker may not, within the practice of community association management, exercise control over the reserves or investment accounts of a community association or an operating account of a community association unless allowed under a contract that has been approved by the association's board of directors and duplicate financial statements concerning the account are sent by the institution holding the account to the licensee and the association's board of directors at separate addresses.

Helpful Links and Resources