Current Federal Bills Related to Manager Licensing

H.R. 1893 /S. 697 Fair Chance Licensing Act

  • Summary: To reform sentencing, prisons, re-entry of prisoners, and law enforcement practices, and for other purposes. The legislation outlines specific information that an agency may not consider in determining whether to disqualify an individual from occupational certification; including unrelated  convictions, juvenile adjudication, misdemeanor with no  imprisonment, a felony of more than 5 years old a misdemeanor more than a year old.
  • Status: Introduced in the House.  Referred to the House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Two co-sponsors.   Companion bill Introduced in the Senate.  Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee.
  • CAI Position Recommendation: Monitor

S. 379 Permit 529 Account to Pay for Recognized Postsecondary Credential or License

  • Summary: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permit amounts paid for programs to obtain a recognized postsecondary credential or a license to be treated as qualified higher education expenses for purposes of a 529 account.
  • Status: Introduced in the Senate. Referred to the Senate Committee on Finance.  Four co-sponsors.
  • CAI Position Recommendation:  Support

S. 2123 Break the Higher Education Act of 2019

  • Summary: This legislation provides financial assistance (Pell grants) that individuals can use to get training that would prepare them to seek a credential from a private certification organization, which indirectly benefits certification programs and individuals seeking certification.
  • Status: Introduced in the Senate. Referred to the Senate Committee  on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
  • CAI Position Recommendation: Support