Florida Manager Licensing

Florida's Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR), through the Regulatory Council of Community Association Managers, regulates the licensure of community association managers. In most circumstances, community association managers in Florida are required to be licensed in order to carry out their duties as a manager.

If someone provides management services for an association with more than 10 units, or a budget of $100,000 or greater, and receives compensation for those services, a community association manager license is required. A community association manager is defined as a person who is licensed to perform community association management services including the following:

  • Practices requiring substantial specialized knowledge, judgment, and managerial skill when done for remuneration;
  • Controlling or disbursing funds of a community association;
  • Preparing budgets or other financial documents for a community association;
  • Assisting in the noticing or conduct of community association meetings; and
  • Coordinating maintenance for the residential development and other day-to-day services involved with the operation of a community association.

A person who performs clerical or ministerial functions under the direct supervision and control of a licensed manager or who is charged only with performing the maintenance of a community association and who does not assist in any of the management services described above is not required to be licensed.

Initial Education Requirements

Applicants for a community association manager license must submit a Prelicensure Education Certificate from an approved provider consisting of at least 18 hours of pre-licensure education.

Click here to view Prelicensure Education Providers.

Examination Requirements

The DBPR requires applicants for a community association managers license to pass a Community Association Manager examination with a score of 75 or higher. The examination consists of 100 multiple choice questions based on entry level knowledge of state and federal laws pertaining to the operation and management of community associations, preparation of community association budgets, procedures for noticing and conducting community association meetings, insurance matters relating to community associations, management skills, and association maintenance.

Click here for more information on the examination.

Initial Application Requirements

Manager applicants are required to in addition to the education and examination requirements fulfill the following:

  • Be at least 18 years of age;
  • Be of good moral character as defined in Florida administrative code;
  • File a complete set of fingerprints that have been taken by an authorized law enforcement officer;
  • Complete and submit the necessary application; and
  • Submit the $228 fee with the application.

Click here to view the application.

Renewal Requirements

Manager licenses must be renewed every two years by September 30. There is a $105 biennial license renewal fee. In addition at least 20 hours of state-approved continuing education must be completed prior to the license renewal date.

The continuing education shall be comprised of:

  • 4 hours of legal update seminars
  • 4 hours of instruction on insurance and financial management topics
  • 4 hours of instruction on the operation of community association's physical property
  • 4 hours of instruction on human resources topics relating to community association management
  • 4 additional hours on any area listed above

Click here to learn how to enroll in CAI's state-approved, continuing education courses.

CAI endorses the Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA®) credential administered by the Community Association Managers' International Certification Board (CAMICB).

Community Association Management Firms

A firm or other similar organization responsible for the management of more than ten units or a budget $100,000 or greater must be licensed by DBPR.

Firm licenses expire on September 30 of odd numbered years and are required to be renewed every two years.

Statement of the Regulatory Council of Community Association Managers regarding Supreme Court Advisory Opinion No. SC13-889, "Activities of Community Association Managers"

On May 14, 2015, the Florida Supreme Court issued Advisory Opinion SC13-889, The Florida Bar Re: Advisory Opinion - Activities of Community Association Managers ("Opinion"). The Opinion, which has the same force as any order of the Court, identifies a number of activities within the field of community association management which constitute the practice of law. The full Opinion can be obtained at http://www.floridasupremecourt.org/decisions/2015/sc13-889.pdf.

The Council encourages all CAMs licensees to carefully read the Supreme Court opinion and consult with their legal advisors to obtain legal advice that is specific to their individual facts and circumstances. The Council has no statutory authority to issue any opinion, comments, or guidance regarding the Opinion, including inter-relations between the Opinion and Florida Statutes relating to the practice of community association management.

The opinion specifically addresses the Unlicensed Practice of Law ("UPL"). Neither the Council nor the Department of Business and Professional Regulation have jurisdiction or authority to investigate or act upon UPL complaints. UPL is investigated, and if necessary, prosecuted, by the Florida Bar, and carries potential criminal penalties.

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