Virginia Manager Licensing

Under the Virginia Code, any common interest community manager engaged in community management services must be licensed to do so in the state. A common interest community manager is defined as a person or business entity, including but not limited to a partnership, association, corporation, or limited liability company, who, for compensation or valuable consideration, provides any of the following services to a common interest community:

  • Acts with the authority of an association in its business, legal, financial, or other transactions with association members and nonmembers;
  • Executes the resolutions and decisions of an association or, with the authority of the association, enforcing the rights of the association secured by statute, contract, covenant, rule, or bylaw;
  • Collects, disburses, or otherwise exercises dominion or control over money or other property belonging to an association;
  • Prepares budgets, financial statements, or other financial reports for an association;
  • Arranges, conducts, or coordinates meetings of an association or the governing body of an association;
  • Negotiates contracts or otherwise coordinating or arranging for services or the purchase of property and goods for or on behalf of an association; or 
  • Offers or solicits to perform any of the aforesaid acts or services on behalf of an association.

Management Firms

Firms that hold an active Accredited Association Management Company (AAMC) designation by CAI qualify for certification by the Common Interest Community Board

Firms that do not hold an AAMC must designate at least one qualifying individual (supervisory employee, officer, manager, owner or principal) involved in all aspects of management services who meets one of the following:

  • Active designation as a Professional Community Association Manager® (PCAM®) by CAI; or
  • Successful completion of a board-approved comprehensive training program (completion of CAI's M-100, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205 and 206 courses) ANDat least three years of qualifying experience; or
  • Successful completion of a board-approved introductory training program (CAI's M-100 course) AND at least five years of qualifying experience; or
  • Knowledge obtained through documented course work (equivalent to a board-approved comprehensive training program) submitted to the board AND at least ten years of qualifying experience.

All applicants must also certify (certificate requirements) that at least half of individuals with principal responsibility for providing community association management services meet one of the following:

  • Active PCAM designation and 12 months of experience providing community association management services immediately prior to applying; or
  • Two years of experience providing community association management services – with a minimum of 12 months experience gained immediately prior to applying – and one of the following:
    • Active certification as a Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA®) by CAMICB; or
    • Active designation as an Association Management Specialist® (AMS®) by CAI; or
    • Successful completion of a board-approved comprehensive courses (CAI's M-100, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205 and 206 courses) or an introductory (M-100) training program.

Individual Certificates

Effective July 1, 2012, employees of a licensed CICM with principal responsibility for community association management services or supervisory responsibility for employees who participate directly in providing community association management services must:

  • Obtain a certificate issued by the Board (within two years after employment);or
  • Work under the direct supervision of a certified principal or supervisory employee.

The certification requirements for individuals are found above.

Application Requirements

In addition to the education and experience requirements, applicants must show they are in good standing in the Commonwealth, carry a blanket fidelity bond or employee dishonesty insurance policy, pay the required fees, and submit the required documentation with the application.

Good Standing

The applicant, the responsible person, and any principals of the firm must be in good standing in the Commonwealth and in every jurisdiction and with every board or administrative body where licensed, certified, or registered and the board.

Blanket Fidelity Bond or Employee Dishonesty Insurance

Applicants must also carry a blanket fidelity bond or an employee dishonesty insurance policy. The policy must provide coverage in the amount of either $2 million or the aggregate amount of the operating and reserve balances of all associations under the control of the common-interest community manager during the prior fiscal year. Applicants may choose the lesser of these two options.


Applications must be accompanied by payment of the $100 application fee, the $25 recovery fund fee, and an annual assessment. The annual assessment is calculated by multiplying the applicant's gross receipts from the preceding year by 0.0005, the maximum assessment being $1,000. Supporting documentation of the preceding year gross receipts must be submitted with the application.

Required Documentation

Applicants must submit the following documentation with their application:

  • Copy of blanket fidelity bond form or employee dishonesty insurance policy;
  • Copy of trade or fictitious name certificate, if applicable;
  • Documentation of gross receipts for the preceding calendar year;
  • Copy of documentation showing evidence of active AAMC designation, if applicable;
  • Copy of documentation showing that a supervisory employee has successfully completed an approved, comprehensive training program; and
  • If applicable, copies of any final order, decree, case decision, criminal history record, and relevant financial information relating to bankruptcies or defaults.

Renewal Requirements

Licenses must be renewed annually. Renewals must be accompanied by the $100 renewal fee, the calculated assessment, and proof of a blanket fidelity bond coverage or employee dishonesty insurance policy.

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