Telecommunications Infrastructure Development

Telecommunications Infrastructure Development

CAI Submits Comments to FCC on Improving Competitive Broadband Access to Multiple Tenants

CAI appeals to the FCC to consider the community association perspective regarding exclusive marketing arrangements, exclusive wiring arrangements, bulk billing arrangements, revenue sharing agreements, and exclusive rooftop access contacts. 

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Communications infrastructure development

Broadband internet is closely aligned with economic growth and development, education, and healthcare. The internet has changed how we work and live, from "smart" thermostats in our homes controlled by our phones, to "smart" systems managing major infrastructure in condominium buildings.

CAI members support the deployment of broadband wireline and wireless communications infrastructure. CAI advocates that broadband infrastructure development involving association-owned or controlled assets be undertaken in coordination with association leadership and that no federal legislative or regulatory action be taken to impair the rights of associations by unreasonably limiting local government permitting processes or private property rights.

Please contact us at [email protected] if:

  • Your local government is demanding expensive reviews prior to broadband deployment
  • State or local ordinances are slowing or halting broadband improvements
  • Communications service providers are declining to build or improve broadband infrastructure
  • Your community association was not consulted prior to broadband internet installation on rights of way

CAI continues to monitor this issue and file comment letters with the FCC based on the input received from members. You can view this letters in the Related Documents section on the right of this page.