Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (UCIOA, UCA, etc.)

Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act

Map of HOA or Condominium Uniform Acts by State 

CAI advocates for the adoption of Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (UCIOA). In those states where it is not possible to adopt the act in its entirety, CAI supports and recommends consideration of appropriate portions of this law.

Click on one of the 9 blue (UCIOA) or 14 green (UCA) states below to see the state's uniform act.

Uniform Common Interest Ownership Act (UCIOA)

UCIOA is a basic statute for creating, managing, and terminating condominium, planned community, and real estate cooperatives. States enacted either the 1982 or 2008 version of the UCIOA.

1982 version: AlaskaColoradoMinnesotaNevada, and West Virginia

2008 version: ConnecticutDelawareVermont, and Washington.

Uniform Condominium Act (UCA)

UCA contains comprehensive provisions for creation, management, and termination of condominium associations, including point-of-sale consumer protection. 

Alabama   Missouri   Texas   Arizona   Nebraska   Virginia

Kentucky   New Mexico   Washington   Maine   Pennsylvania   West Virginia

Minnesota   Rhode Island     

Uniform Planned Community Act (UPCA)

UPCA contains comprehensive provisions for creating, managing, and terminating planned community developments. Pennsylvania is the only state to enact UPCA.

Planned Community Act (PCA)

The PCA sets forth certain default statutory provisions for deed-restricted subdivision communities. The PCA is specific to Kentucky, and is not retroactive. 

Uniform Real Estate Cooperative Act (MRECA)

This is a companion act to the Uniform Condominium Act and the Uniform Planned Community Act. Real estate cooperatives are created when an association assumes title to real property, which then is leased back to its members. Each member, also, owns a share of the association. The Model Act provides comprehensive legislation governing the critical phases of cooperative development: creation, financing, management, and termination. Virginia is the only state to enact MRECA.