Sunchase IV Homeowners Association, Inc. and Board v. David Atkinson, Cause No. 20-0682 (Supreme Court of Texas)

The Sunchase IV Homeowners Association and its Board (“Petitioners") were sued in a state district court in south Texas by the owner of a condominium unit regarding a dispute over repairs to the unit and to the common areas. After much litigation and a two-week jury trial, Petitioners prevailed – obtaining favorable declaratory relief from the trial court and favorable jury findings on all of the unit owner's contract and tort claims. The trial court signed a final judgment incorporating the jury's findings and awarding Petitioners their attorney's fees of $135,029.94, pursuant to Texas Property Code § 82.161.

On appeal, the court of appeals largely affirmed the lower court's judgment – but it reversed the award of fees on the grounds that because (1) Petitioners were not “prevailing parties" under section 82.161(b) of the Texas Property Code, and (2) Petitioners' counterclaim for declaratory relief did not state an affirmative claim. We moved for rehearing and presented additional briefing to the court of appeals on this issue, but it denied rehearing.

Amicus Brief

Supreme Court of Texas Opinion

Court: Texas Supreme Court
Topic: Attorney's Fees
Brief Author: Frank O. Carroll III, Winstead PC
Filed: December 9, 2021

CAI Amicus Review Panel: Mr. Robert Diamond, Esq. (VA), Mr. Stephen Marcus Esq. (MA), Mr. David Ramsey, Esq., CCAL (NJ), Ms. Gabriella Comstock, Esq., CCAL (IL), Ms. Tiago Bezerra, Esq. (VA)

Amicus Curiae Briefs

Amicus curiae briefs allow CAI to educate a court about important legal and policy issues in cases related directly to the community association industry. If your association, municipality or state is being faced with a poorly formulated legal opinion, please consider contacting CAI and submitting an application for an amicus brief. If you have any questions, contact CAI's Government and Public Affairs department at [email protected] 

  • Brief Request Submission Procedure

    Amicus curiae (friend of the court) briefs allow organizations with an expertise in a certain area of the law to educate a court about the legal issues in a particular case.

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  • Brief Request Review Procedure

    Amicus requests submitted to CAI shall be reviewed by an Amicus Curiae Advisory Committee (Amicus Committee). An Amicus Curiae Review Panel shall vote by e-mail or via conference call on the request.
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