Join The #CAIvotes Campaign Today!

2020 Homeowner Satisfaction Survey - Vote

92% of community association homeowners vote in national elections according to our research. Let's show our strength and engage our legislators using #CAIvotes in a social media post. It easy!

Post on Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter)

STEP 1: Download one of the four graphics below by right-clicking on it and selecting "Save picture as".

STEP 2: Go to your favorite social media platform - Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter and start a post.

STEP 3: Here are some suggestions for posts:

I #vote because I see how much voting matters in my #HOA. #CAIvotes

#Voting makes a difference in national and #HOA elections. #CAIvotes

My first elected position was on my #HOA board. #CAIvotes

 Community Managers and Management Companies

I represent [# of homes or communities] in [state name]. We encourage all our residents to #vote! #CAIvotes

I represent [# of homes or communities] in [state name]. #Voting in elections makes our country stronger. #CAIvotes

I represent [# of homes or communities] in [state name]. Our residents know the power of #voting. #CAIvotes

Business Leaders

I have worked with community associations in [state name] for [#] years. #Communityassociations are preferred places to call home because they know the value of #voting. #CAIvotes

CAI Leaders

I have volunteered to help community associations in [state name or nationally] for [#] years. I know these communities are great places to live because they are governed by neighbors they elect. #CAIvotes

I have volunteered to help community associations in [state name or nationally] for [#] years. #HOA board member is often the first elected position for future politicians. #CAIvotes

STEP 4: Remember to include @CAIadvocacy and your candidates handles (ex. @LegislatorName) if you know them.

    Add a Facebook Frame

To access the Facebook profile frame, go to and search for "CAIvotes".

Pass it on!

Below is a sample email that you can send to your contacts to join #CAIvotes.


Dear [Friend, Neighbor, Resident],

Community Associations Institute (CAI) works on your behalf every day to educate legislators on the community association housing model. This is important because we want legislation that protects property values and our community’s right to create and enforce community rules. 

CAI started a social media campaign (#CAIvotes) that lets you inform your candidates that you vote. You can also add what is important to you about your community.

If you are active on social media (Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter), visit and join the #CAIvotes campaign today for resources and templates.

Thank you,

[Your name]
