Marvin J. Nodiff Presented with the Gordon "Don" Buck Lifetime Contribution Award by the College of Community Association Lawyers

Falls Church, VA

Marvin J. Nodiff, a community association attorney and author from St. Louis, received the Gurdon “Don" Buck Lifetime Contribution Award, the most prestigious honor given by the College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL). Nodiff, a CCAL fellow, accepted the award today during the 2023 Community Association Law Seminar in New Orleans.

Nodiff is a nationally recognized community association lawyer and a founding member of CCAL and CAI's Heartland Chapter. Described as a living legend among his community association colleagues, Nodiff is a passionate mystery writer who has penned seven novels. He also is the author of dozens of community association resources, including Creating Community Association Law: True Tales from Early Pioneers.

For more than 40 years, Nodiff has been an active volunteer with CAI's Heartland Chapter, serving as chair of the Missouri Legislative Action Committee and chapter president. In 2015, he received the chapter's Lifetime Achievement Award. A frequent presenter at CAI's Community Association Law Seminar, Nodiff served on the Law Seminar Planning Committee from 2012 to 2015, CAI's Government and Public Affairs Committee, and the Amicus Committee. He's also the recipient of many CAI national awards, including Author of the Year in 2003 and 2019, the Award of Excellence in Government and Public Affairs, the Award of Excellence in Publications, the Outstanding Volunteer Service Award, and Distinguished Service Award.

The Don Buck Lifetime Contribution Award was created in 2009 in honor of Gurdon “Don" Buck, a pioneer and innovator in community association law who died in 2008. Among his many achievements, Buck, a senior partner in what would eventually become Robinson & Cole LLP, devoted countless hours to the betterment of common interest communities with his service and contributions through education and scholarly writings for CAI and other organizations.

Through this award, CCAL ensures that Buck's spirit, devotion, and commitment to the community association industry remain alive. The Don Buck Lifetime Contribution Award is presented periodically at the discretion of the CCAL Board of Governors. Nodiff is the eleventh recipient of the award.