Professional Credentials

CAI provides unparalleled education and credentials to keep you sharp and competitive. And, the more you learn, the more you earn.

The booming industry of community associations operates as a business, and it needs qualified professionals to safeguard and empower financial well-being, physical maintenance, and social harmony. CAI helps you stay at the top of your game.

The most important action you can take to increase your earning potential, accelerate your career, and grow your business is to obtain credentials that prove you are the right professional for the job. Professionals who earn credentials, receive an average of a 55% increase in salary. 

Manager Credentials at a Glance

Review each credential's requirements, and click through for further details.

  • Background Requirements 
    Two years of direct community association management experience.   

    Application Fee
    Member: $170
    Nonmember: $405

    Course Requirements
    Pass at least two M-200 level courses (M-201 - M-206) + pass the CMCA exam. 

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  • Background Requirements 
    Five years of direct community association management experience. 

    Application Fee 
    Member: $225 
    Nonmember: $460  

    Course Requirements 
    Pass all six M-200 level courses + pass CMCA exam + pass the Case Study.
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  • Background Requirements 
    Hold an active PCAM + 10 years of community association management experience, including five years as a large-scale manager. 

    Application Fee  
    Member: $115 
    Nonmember: $340 

    Course Requirements  
    CAI Large-Scale Managers Workshop or M-340: Managing the Large-Scale Association.
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  • Background Requirements
    Three years of verified experience providing community association management services + a PCAM leader + credentialed staff.

    Application Fee
    Member: $320 
    Nonmember: $570 

    Course Requirements 
    Individual staff members must meet requirements according to their credentials.
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How to Save 

You must be an individual manager member or the primary contact for a management company member to receive the member application price for individual manager credentials. Your company must be a management company member to receive the member application price for the AAMC accreditation. 

Did You Know? 

The Certified Manager of Community Associations (CMCA®) exam is offered by Community Association Managers International Certification Board (CAMICB).

Business Partner Programs at a Glance

Review each program's requirements, and click through for further details.

  • Community board members are looking for qualified professionals to help them protect their most valuable investments. Obtaining the Community Insurance and Risk Management Specialist (CIRMS®) designation can help instill your client's confidence in you and assist you in growing your business.

    The CIRMS designation recognizes a demonstrated high level of competency within the risk management profession.

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  • Are you seeking to expand your clientele and enhance your career? Community associations rely on qualified reserve specialists to assist them in extensive reserve planning to keep their communities running smoothly. Gain the confidence of board members by obtaining the Reserve Specialist (RS) designation.

    The RS designation is awarded to qualified reserve specialists who, through years of specialized experience, can help ensure that community associations prepare their reserve budget as accurately as possible.

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  • Business Partner Essentials is an online course designed to help CAI-member product and service providers better understand CAI, community associations, and the industry at large.

    Individuals who pass the course and maintain CAI membership earn the CAI Educated Business Partner distinction, gaining special recognition among thousands of companies and professionals who support common-interest communities — accountants, attorneys, bankers, insurance professionals, landscapers, painters, reserve specialists, software providers, and many others.

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  • Since 1994, CAI has recognized excellence in the practice of community association law through the College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL). The approximately 200 CCAL fellows distinguish themselves by advancing community association law for the betterment of the communities they serve.​

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Hire the Right Professional

More than 90% of community association board members prefer to hire a credentialed professional. If you are searching for a credentialed manager, insurance and risk management consultant, reserve specialist, or attorney for your association, visit our Directory of Credentialed Professionals.

Filing An Ethics Complaint

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