Writers' Guidelines

What do our publications do best? Connect readers to experts — seasoned volunteers and experienced professionals — who know exactly what they're going through. Maybe you're one such expert. If so, share your perspective and expertise with us.
Review our editorial policy, check our writers' guidelines, and view our editorial calendar to see if we're planning on addressing a topic of interest to you.
  • Objective. Articles published in Common Ground™ magazine are aimed at informing and educating readers about issues and trends affecting community associations. They should not promote a particular company, product or service.

    Accurate and exclusive. Authors are considered the experts. Authors must be able to verify that the information in their articles is accurate, that the article is their original work and that it has not appeared in another publication. Give proper attribution to quotes, reports or ideas not your own. Do not submit the same, or similar, articles that have been published elsewhere or that have been submitted to other publications. 

    Easy to read. The editor reserves the right to cut or rewrite submitted articles and columns as necessary. Every effort will be made to provide the author with an edited version of the article prior to publication.
  • These are the full-length stories that form the spine of every issue of Common Ground™. They address any topic relevant to community association governance, operations or management, including community building, finance, collections, law, legislation, regulation, maintenance, hiring, contracts and bids, rules enforcement, land use, history, and development. A good rule of thumb is, if it will help our readers better understand common interest housing or run better communities, it belongs in Common Ground™.

    A typical Common Ground™ cover story is about 2,400 words, while the other features are about 1,500 to 2,000 words.

    When writing a full-length article, here are a few guidelines:

    Style/tone: Many of our readers are volunteer board members and other laypeople with little specialized knowledge of law, zoning, finances, engineering, etc. So it's important that articles are not overly technical, and are written in a light, conversational tone. Often it helps to use second-person direct address: "If your community is having problems controlling its board meetings, what can you do? Consider adopting strict rules, such as allowing your residents to speak only during a specified period at the beginning or end of the meeting."​

    Structure: Common Ground™ articles tend to be broken into three main sections, and while that structure isn't carved in stone, it is a helpful way to approach a topic. Typically a feature article breaks down like this: 
    • Section 1—Identify the issue or problem. 
    • Section 2—Spell out a plan of attack. 
    • Section 3—Explain how to enact or apply the plan of attack. 

    Another accessible way to address a topic is to structure an article around a series of questions. The angle for a story about raising the assessment rate, for example, might proceed from "five questions to ask before you raise assessments." An article about running productive meetings could address "10 ways board meetings go wrong."

    How-to information: For the most part, Common Ground™ articles are service pieces, meaning they tell our readers how to do something. (The exceptions tend to be history or news-feature stories that explore an interesting aspect of community association development.) Think about the information community association volunteers and professionals need to know about your topic.

    Real-life examples and case studies: Whenever possible, you should use real-world examples from your own experiences to illustrate the point(s) you're trying to make. Be as specific as you can—name names of associations, if possible, and tell a little something about them (housing types, number of units, size, etc.). In fact, if you want to build an entire article around one particularly relevant case from your experience—involving an actual association confronted with the issue in question—that can be an interesting, accessible way to connect with our readers. For example, in recent years Common Ground™ has published "case study" articles profiling a Virginia association's 11-year capital improvement project; another Virginia association's prolonged campaign to raise its assessment rate; a California association's overhaul of its lighting and electrical work; and two Arizona associations' efforts to thwart a resident who took over both boards.

    Community types: Our readers include people who live in or work for many different kinds of communities, including high-rise condominiums, townhouse clusters, single-family developments and large master-planned communities. You don't have to tailor parts of your article to each audience; but, on the other hand, if certain aspects of the issue you're addressing vary depending on community type, it would be helpful to note that. Otherwise, try to write your article in such a way that it's relevant to the most communities.
  • While our feature articles are where we address entire subjects — often in sweeping detail — departments and columns generally are where we focus on smaller topics. But many of the same rules apply when it comes to style, tone, how-to information and community types.

    Your Stories: If you have something to share about the community association experience, this is your place. Share the moments that made you laugh, cry, cringe or smile. Or, if your community has done something that's exemplary, interesting or just plain different, tell us. Has your community volunteered for a good cause? Raised money for charity? Rebounded from a tough time? It can be a silly anecdote, a deeply held opinion or just an offbeat observation. Send your stories, pictures, news, ideas and opinions. Average length: 300 words. 

    On the Board: Written specifically for community association board members, this department addresses leadership issues. Recent "On the Board" columns have dealt with leadership and management books, committees and how to choose a management company. Average length: 600 words. 

    Nuts and Bolts: This is Common Ground™'s hardware- and maintenance-oriented department, offering straightforward, hands-on advice on repairs and upkeep. Recent "Nuts and Bolts" columns have addressed bidding out painting jobs, spring landscaping, flood-zone correction and brick-mortar replacement. Average length: 600 words. 

    Ask the Experts: This ever-popular department offers two ways to contribute. First, you can send a question about community association governance, operations or management for one of our attorney, accountant, manager or other experts to answer. Or, you can try your hand at answering a question. Just e-mail us to let us know you're interested in writing an expert opinion. Average length: 400 words per answer. 

    Perspectives: A section where CAI members and others can share opinions about the issues and problems impacting community associations. Share your thoughts on the past, present and future of common-interest communities. Opinion pieces will be published at CAI's discretion. Average length: 500 words.

Editorial Calendar

  • As of 9/12/24. Subject to change.


    • Cover: Gun safety
    • Feature: Fannie/Freddie lending requirements
    • CAI 2023 Annual Report
    • On the Board: Pickleball


    • Cover: Artificial intelligence
    • Feature: Cannabis legalization
    • Feature: Pools
    • On the Board: Funding reserves


    • Cover: Community service
    • Feature: Florida condo safety
    • Feature: Social media
    • Feature: Fire case study
    • On the Board: Websites


    • Cover: Strategic planning
    • Feature: Aluminum wiring
    • Feature: Service animals
    • On the Board: Voting technology


    • Cover: Investing reserve funds
    • Feature: High insurance premiums
    • Feature: Community maintenance (profile)
    • On the Board: Association loans


    • Cover: Reserve studies
    • Feature: Mentorships
    • Feature: CAI's new website
    • On the Board: Committees




Joni LucasLauren Piontek
[email protected][email protected]
  • CAI@Home

    This monthly e-newsletter recaps the news community association volunteers and professionals need to know
    from trending topics to industry insights, the latest events, and upcoming courses. Available to CAI members and nonmembers.
  • Common Ground

    CAI's award-winning flagship magazine provides in-depth information and exampl​es on how volunteers and professionals can improve their communities. Select content available to nonmembers.
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  • Community Manager

    This bimonthly newsletter for community association managers covers topics like business resources, peer perspectives, technology, condominium and portfolio management, and professional development. Select content available to nonmembers.
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  • HOAresources.com

    The news site for homebuyers, homeowners, and association leaders engages in critical discussions of key issues such as communication, governance, and rules. Available to CAI members and nonmembers.
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  • Law Reporter

    Law Reporter​ provides a brief review of key court decisions and gives the reader an idea of the types of legal issues community associations face and how the courts rule on them.​ Select content available to nonmembers.
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  • Ungated

    The blog is your home for news, tips, and trends important to community associations. Available to CAI members and nonmembers.
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