Removal of Discriminatory Restrictive Covenants

Removal of Discriminatory Restrictive Covenants


To advance racial equity, CAI supports a process by which a governing board of a community association may remove antiquated and unenforceable discriminatory restrictions contained in covenants without a vote of the owners. CAI advocates for the adoption of state legislation that provides for a process to allow for the removal of restrictions deemed to be discriminatory under the federal Fair Housing Act and/or state anti-discrimination laws.  

Model language is included in CAI's Amendment Process to Remove Discriminatory Restrictive Covenants Public Policy.

Restrictive Covenant State Laws Map

States highlighted in Blue have a statute to aid in the removal of restrictive covenants in deeds and associations. 

States highlighted in Green have statutes that only cover deeds. 

California   Connecticut    Delaware     

District Of Columbia   Florida   Idaho 

Illinois   Indiana   Kansas   

Louisiana   Maryland   Massachusetts   

Michigan    Minnesota   Missouri   

New Jersey    Oregon   Ohio   

Pennsylvania    Texas   Vermont  

Virginia    Washington   Wyoming